BC Spirits "Spirits of the Week" #9 - Wayward Distillery Juneberry Amaro


A wonderful Island Expression. Wayward’s Amaro is lovingly crafted from green walnuts hand harvested from a single 37 year old tree on Denman Island, crushed juneberrys, locally grown rosemary and thyme from Whitaker Farm, and our very own upcycled gin botanicals. Juicy, fresh, herbaceous and crushable, this beautifully balanced Amaro is perfect for sipping on ice or in your favourite island cocktail.


Wayward Distilling getting into the amaro game is exactly what we need right now. I want more amari in BC and glad that this is their take on the classic styling. Caramelised honey on the nose is the backdrop for the deep complex botanicals to start to show their bitterness. On the palate, it is a balanced earthy sweetness with very Pacific Northwest herbal bitterness, subtle and understated.

Alcohol - 32% / 64 proof

Color - Dark claret

Nose - Fruity berry with a sneaky nose of the underlying herbal and bitter notes

Taste - Stewed berries on the front then cascade into herbal tones of the forest and the PNW and finally warming bitterness cuts through the palate

Finish - The bitterness balances out the sweet, deep notes of the mix. Gorgeous long herbal finish

Best Enjoyed - In a cocktail


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