BC Spirits "Spirit a Day" #35 - Sons of Vancouver Coconut Rum

Another "April Fool's" release from the gents over at Sons of Vancouver. I absolutely love the way that they take what most companies would see as an April Fool's prank and actually create it. This is definitely a caramelised honey rum forward spirit at 40%, this is big and then resides to toasty coconut on the finish.

 Alcohol - 40% / 80 proof

Color - Light slightly cloudy off white

Nose - Distinct honey rum with subtle coconut notes

Taste - Rum is first, that honey rum is mouth filling with gorgeous clean caramel notes, then comes the toasted coconut, reminding you of what coconut rum should taste like

Finish - Toasty coconut with that strong honey rum still lingering, hints of sweetness

Best Enjoyed - Pina Colada baby