BC Spirits "Spirit a Day" #66 - Sheringham Distillery Barrel Aged Seaside Gin


Been a while since I tasted the Sheringham Distillery Barrel Aged Seaside Gin and I remember it fondly. It reminds me of the first time visiting the distillery in Shirley. Coniferous pine, brine sea air and bright high notes of juniper and citrus with the oak just folding itself into the liquid and becoming an added dimension. 

Alcohol - 43.5% / 87 proof

Color - Light gold

Nose - Menthol and coniferous juniper, hints of sarsaparilla and new cut oak

Taste - Coniferous pine, rich floral notes of lavender, spicy oak, bright juniper notes with almost grapefruit flesh

Finish - The oak is predominant in the finish with menthol and sarsaparilla notes, juniper is still prolific and long in the finish

Best Enjoyed - Play around with this one in a White Lady or Gimlet