BC Spirits "Spirit a Day" #67 - Tofino Distillery Rose Hibiscus Gin

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This is a great expression from Tofino Distillery. Gin forward with the rose and hibiscus in the background bringing sweet and aromatic flavors to the boisterous gin profile. Got to try this in a White Lady, would be epic

Alcohol - 45% / 90 proof

Color - Watermelon pink

Nose - Juniper and sea breeze forward with hints of floral wild rose and hibiscus

Taste - Big gin forward flavor with huge juniper burst, very Tofino with the conifers and sea air then comes through the floral notes of wild rose and the hints of sweetness from the hibiscus

Finish - A little burn at 45% but the big juniper lingers with the sweet and aromatic rose and hibisucs

Best Enjoyed - White Lady or collins