BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #204 - Taynton Bay Spirits Gin


Bright and lively, refreshing Juniper highlights backed my touches of citrus and floral elements. Everything you’d expect from a classic gin and more.


This one curveballed me, Taynton Bay Spirits is notorious for their fantastic tea infusion series and I wasn’t expecting such a solid, straightforward London Dry style gin. Balanced and beautifully structured juniper and lemon with the other botanicals bolstering up the predominant flavors. Great versatile gin right here

Alcohol - 42% / 84 proof

Color - Clear

Nose - Balanced bold juniper with fresh lemon peel on the nose, slight hint of funk in the finish

Taste - Big soft juniper bomb, balanced with the other botanicals and finished with the bright citrus

Finish - Juniper and lemon with the pith lasting long

Best Enjoyed - Any classic calling for gin

Taynton Bay Gin.png

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