BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #209 - Mad Lab Godfather


Pre-mixed Godfather Cocktail: almond, vanilla, spices and white single malt.


This is a fun addition to the Mad Lab Spirits cocktail series. Perfect for this fall weather, whisky based with nuances of amaretto including almonds, vanilla and spice. Pour this on the rocks and enjoy by the fire.

Alcohol - 30% / 60 proof

Color - Deep brown caramel

Nose - Almond and Marzipan on the nose, hints of the young whisky

Taste - A very good rendition of the classic cocktail, backbone of youthful whisky, almond, marzipan, vanilla and cocoa. Great texture and not overly sweet.

Finish - Amaretto bomb for ages

Best Enjoyed - Drink on the rocks

Mad Lab Godfather

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