BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #216 - Wood's Spirit Co. Barrel Aged Amaro


Complex floral tones sit high on the nose. Perfumed with a complex spice blend drifting under these floral tones. Sweetness on the palate cut with bitterness is nice. Mouthfeel is pleasant. Very palatable and easy sipping. The bitterness could be brought forward a little more to accentuate the finish or boost a cocktail.


Wood’s Spirit Co. created their original Amaro during the great Campari shortage a few years ago, their barrel aged which is aged for 1 year in Woodland Distillery Barrels is a subtle addition to the flavors of the original, the sweetness is subdued and replaced with vanilla and a more deep tones from the aging. Must have for the bitters lovers.

Alcohol - 28% / 56 proof

Color - Light reddish orange

Nose - Astringent rhubarb, bright orange and hints of grapefruit pith

Taste - Rhubarb, grapefruit and piney citrus along with a big wallop of vanilla, like a amaro float

Finish - Not a lot of residual sweetness, bold fruit notes and that lingering vanilla

Best Enjoyed - Negroni variation all the way


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