BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #221 - Wayward Distilling Unruly Gin


Unruly Gin starts life as 100% pure BC Honey. We gently ferment our honey into mead and distill that mead to spirit using custom designed stills to separate out the harsh heads and the oily tails, ensuring that only the softest and sweetest hearts are ever collected. We then distill those hearts one final time, using vapour infusion to capture the delicate and bright aromas of our unique blend of locally sourced and organic botanicals.

This unique starting point, paired with a variety of traditional and West Coast ingredients, will make this Unruly Gin stand up in any cocktail or martini and stand out as a must-have for the gin enthusiast. Unlike traditional juniper heavy London Dry gins, Unruly Gin is a refreshingly alternative Canadian-style gin that has balanced and complimented its juniper with a hint of cedar and citrus, a dash of fragrant lavender and sarsaparilla root, and the vibrant notes of coriander.


Another “I can’t believe it” tasting, never done this from Wayward Distillery; pretty much done everything else from them. This gin was the first honey based gin in the province; fresh rain on concrete mineralety that still lets the floral honeysuckle shine through on the nose. Juniper comes in the form of pine and grapefruit peel with complex subtle botanicals below the high notes of juniper and honeysuckle. Do this in a Bees Knees, won’t disappoint.

Alcohol - 43% / 86 proof

Color - Clear

Nose - Fresh rain on warm concrete, honeysuckle and west coast juniper notes of pine and grapefruit

Taste - Creamy, honeysuckle and comb are the base of the rich bright juniper, complex but subtle botanicals that stick with you throughout

Finish - Aromatic botanicals, cut honeycomb and that rich mineral notes lingering

Best Enjoyed - Bee Knees for sure


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