BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #224 - Fermentorium Small Talk #2


Pulled from 8 barrels aged 4 1/2 years; 6 ex bourbon that had held beer as well as a red wine cask and rose cask and then blended.


Another fantastic one from Phillips’ Fermentorium with their second edition of Small Talk. Cut grass, bright fruit on the front palate leaning into deep bass notes of chocolate and funky forest floor on the back. A perfect lawn mover single malt for your Sunday’s.

Alcohol - 41% / 82 proof

Color - Light straw golden

Nose - Soft stonefruit, cut grass, hints of funky notes including a hop twang

Taste - Soft and supple on the palate, cut grass, stone fruit, funky forest floor notes with a distinct hop twang

Finish - Leaves you with chocolate, funky forest floor and distinct hop notes

Best Enjoyed - Neat


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