BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #235 - Okanagan Spirits Cranberry Liqueur


The zesty sourness of our liqueur allows for excellent pairings with desserts, it also makes an exquisite Crantini and Cosmo.


The process that Okanagan Spirits uses to extract flavor for their liqueurs creates a fresh and full flavored with crisp acidity that balances any sweetness. This is cranberry juice, full bodied, fruity sweetness with epic residual acidity that leaves you lingering. You should be using this in your cooking and cocktails over Christmas for sure.

Alcohol - 24% / 48 proof

Color - Deep purpley red

Nose - Fresh crushed cranberry and a hint of marscapone

Taste - Liquid cranberry, minimal alcohol notes, tannic, fruity, sour sweetness with bright acidity. Cranberry from start to finish

Finish - Bright acidity leaves you with sour sweet cranberry notes

Best Enjoyed - Use it in all your cooking and desserts this season


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