BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #263 - Tumbleweed Spirits Blueberry Moonshine


Something New and Something Blue. Our Blueberry Moonshine has been crafted and distilled using only the finest BC grown Blueberries handpicked at their prime and infused with our delicious Moonshine. This juicy, fruity, limited release summer Spirit is great served on ice, with soda, or tonic. Enjoy and be thirsty...


Never tasted anything from Tumbleweed Spirits before, this is a great starting point. Their base moonshine is flavorful and grain forward and doesn’t get taken over or take over the beautiful fruitiness of the blueberries. Would be great in a collins style drink with lemon and soda.

Alcohol - 40% / 80 proof

Color - Deep blueberry skin

Nose - Hints of tannic blueberries with a definite and unique grain profile from the base spirit

Taste - Balanced with the flavors of the fresh blueberries and the moonshine perfectly. First is the bright and fruity blueberries and then comes the grain structure and husky notes of the moonshine

Finish - Hints of blueberry but the moonshine sings

Best Enjoyed - Collins style

A Beautiful Man

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