BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #277 - Forbidden Spirits Eve's Gin


Eve’s Original Gin begins with the finest BC Apples. It’s gently infused with juniper, coriander, rose hips, butterfly-pea flowers and angelica root. Fair warning: mixing with citrus, will lead to unexpected and entirely satisfying results.


A delightful apple based gin out of Forbidden Distillery, one that I hope that I can get more in the coming weeks. Beautifully aromatic apple on the nose with a hint of the botanicals coming in the back. On the palate, the complex bright botanicals are balanced out with aromatic apple spirit.

Alcohol - 40% / 80 proof

Color - Clear

Nose - Clean apple nose with hints of botanicals behind but big eau de vie nose.

Taste - Aromatic apple, musty juniper with simple but complex botanicals.

Finish - Clean, long and fresh rain and aromatic apple

Best Enjoyed - Gin & Tonic


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