BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #284 - Okanagan Spirits Pinot Noir Grappa


Made from 100% BC Pinot Noir pomace gives this Marc (known as Grappa in Italy) a fine aroma of blackberries and rose petals.


This was an amazing surprise from Okanagan Spirits, way above a grappa/marc in the traditional sense. Bright, aromatic and complex notes of floral and fruity tones with a rich and textured that goes on and on.

Alcohol - 40% / 80 proof

Color - Clear

Nose - Heavily aromatic with deep notes of fragrant Pinot Noir notes

Taste - Rich, clean and aromatic, this is so much more than a grappa/marc, structured wine tones with amazing aromatic eau de vie notes

Finish - Aromatic and fragrant grape notes that go forever

Best Enjoyed - Neat

Okanagan Spirits Pinot Noir Grappa

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