BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #349 - Fernie Distillers Gin


It takes determination, strength and endurance to stake your claim. William Fernie had it in 1887 when he found coal. Our Prospector Gin celebrates all those out there exploring ...past, present and future. A well-balanced classic gin, infused with juniper, citrus fruit and botanicals.


While I really enjoyed the Damson Plum Gin from Fernie Distillers and I hadn't tasted their classic expression. This is a great aromatic gin with rich juniper blended with fresh cut pine notes, bright citrus notes and complex botanicals. A great expression for the macro gin drinkers looking at making the switch to local craft.

Alcohol - 42% / 84 proof

Color - Clear

Nose - Really beautiful aromatics, cut pine, classic juniper richness, high notes of citrus and fragrant botanicals

Taste - Floral, aromatic and fragrant juniper, citrus and earthy botanicals.

Finish - Earthy botanicals, rich juniper and those balanced citrus tones

Best Enjoyed - This is a great sub for your macro brands, drink craft!


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