BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #354 - Bruinwood Distillery Earl Grey Gin


The distinctive flavours of juniper, bergamot and a hint of creaminess present a delightful take on a spirited cup of tea.


I have done a ton of things with Bruinwood Estate Distillery in the last few weeks, I picked this little number up from Vintage Spirits and I am glad I did. The fragrant and aromatic bergamot with hints of earl grey and gin on the nose. The palate though explodes with earl grey tea, bergamot and just the slightest hints of Bruinwood gin below, not over extracted, perfect notes of tea, citrus and gin

Alcohol - 40% / 80 proof

Color - Reddish brown

Nose - Dried bergamot, aromatic earl grey, hints of vanilla with the juniper forward gin sneaking in behind

Taste - So floral and fragrant, bergamot and earl grey just explode on the palate with rich and aromatic flavors. The gin is subdued but lingers in the background

Finish - Like a perfectly brewed cup of earl grey tea

Best Enjoyed - Earl Grey MarTEAni

Earl Grey Gin

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