BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #274 - Odd Society Bittersweet Vermouth


Odd Society Bittersweet Vermouth is the perfect union of our commitment to ingenuity in the face of our reverence for tradition. It’s a contradictory blend that yields both the bitter and the sweet, just like a life well-lived.

Based on an old Italian sweet vermouth recipe found in an antique notebook, this reimagination combines 25 botanicals and fine BC wine fortified with our malted barley spirit.

Our Bittersweet Vermouth is unique, yet timeless. Its rich and intense flavours will add subtle complexity to your favourite cocktails or stand alone as a strong apéritif.


I really can't believe that I haven't done this one before. Odd Society Spirits has many cult labels and this is definitely one of them. Rich and balanced, hits you hard with beautiful roundness and sweetness in the front and then dries out with complex botanicals in the finish, mix with their Wallflower and Mia Amata for a autumn themed Negroni.

Alcohol - 18% / 36 proof

Color - Burnt copper

Nose - Bold wine notes and hints of the botanicals to come, rich honeysuckle, complex herbal tones get you ready

Taste - To begin it is sweet and mouthfilling but then it dries right out and brings complex and bitter herbal notes rushing over your tongue

Finish - Dry and herbal with just a hint of that wine sweetness

Best Enjoyed - Autumn Negroni like above

Odd Society Bittersweet Vermouth

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