BC Spirits "Spirits a Day" #296 - Merridale Distillery Cowichan Copper Gin


Made from 3 year old neutral spirits made entirely from merridale cider, aged in stainless steel until smooth. It features more than 30 wild and native botanicals foraged from the Cowichan Valley. From local deciduous and coniferous trees, along with ground cover herbs and roots, to locally sourced berries, this is truly a terroir gin. The gin is then barrel aged in French oak that was previously home to Cowichan Valley red wine, giving it a distinct copper colour and subtle wood character to enhance the botanicals.


I can't believe that I haven't done this one on the show but always so happy that I am finding these amazing sneaky one. Being from Merridale means fruit based spirit which has amazing aroma and texture, pair this with locally foraged and harvested botanicals along with a little aged in toasted barrels and you have a complex and tasty gin that represents the Cowichan Valley.

Alcohol - 47% / 94 proof

Color - Light copper

Nose - Aromatic fruit notes with the hints floral botanicals

Taste - Strong aromatic spirits, complex, floral botanicals then flowing to the soft and spicy vanilla from the oak

Finish - Gorgeous mouth filling aromatics and delightful herbal note on the out breath

Best Enjoyed - White Lady


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